Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fear Journal

When I was a kid there were many things that I feared, that now I would laugh at. For example when I was younger I would always be afraid of something or somebody hiding under my bed, waiting for me to walk by so they could grab me and pull me under. I think I was mainly afraid of this because most the time I could not see under my bed so I didn’t know what was under it. Also, because of this fear I had adopted some unusual habits. One of the habits was I would jump onto my bed from as far away as possible so that anything under my bed would not be able to grab me. Now days my fears are a little more realistic but still silly in some ways. One of my fears that I have now is that I am going to be late for a practice or for work. I always worry at the last minutes before I get to my destination that I am a hour off or that they switched times and I didn’t get the message. To help this out I often txt or call people multiple times asking for what time the event is going to start.


  1. Riley, most young kids have the fear that something is under their bed, that's not very unusual. Also, i'm sure other people have the fear of being late but it's unusual that you worry that much! It just relates to the story that the fear of something makes you do crazy things!

    -McKenzie :]

  2. But Riley what if by jumping on your bed from long distances away you hurt yourself, or angered the monsters further under your bed? If you have a fear of being late you should get a blackberrry and right when you find out the start time of something put it into your daily planner on your phone and that way you'll never be late.

  3. Riley what if by jumping on your bed from long distances away you hurt yourself, or angered the monsters further under your bed? If you have a fear of being late you should get a blackberrry and right when you find out the start time of something put it into your daily planner on your phone and that way you'll never be late.

  4. kannel it seems to me that you have some sort of problem. maybe you need to chill out and if you get yelled at for being late you can just say "its okay i have a beard" or "im sorry i was late i was tieing my shoes" or the classic "my dog ate my homework"

  5. Riley even though I was freaked out because I thought that things lived under my bed I never tried to jump onto my bed from far distances...
